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Updated: Jun 7, 2020

We all feel sometimes that our lives are empty, that we are not achieving anything, that we feel useless and have no purpose. In short - our lives feel empty.

Of course, there can be any multitude of reasons for this, as we are all different. We all feel different things and have different wants and desires. It follows then, that we also all feel different emptiness. We all feel an absence of wants and desires because we have lost our way. Therefore, there can be no definitive answer as to the question, 'how can I fill it?' We first have to look within ourselves, and that, my friends, may well require the help of others, because we need to 'question'. We need to get to the bottom of 'WHY' we feel empty.

Sometimes the problem, and the root cause of a problem, is viewed from the wrong perspective in order to see what we need to see. For example, have you ever looked through a thick wall of glass at an aquarium with the purpose of observing the fish? The glass DISTORTS what we are trying to see. It has a purpose, that is, to allow us to see the fish, yet we still don't see them clearly. We have a FALSE PERSPECTIVE. That, in turn, is the exact same problem that we have when we don't know what we want. We cannot see inside ourselves in order to ascertain exactly what it IS that we want. We just focus on the fact that 'it' is not there. And of course, we also have to recognise that we can't always HAVE what we want. Some things are obtainable through hard work, vision, determination, perseverance, passion and attitude. But some things, we just cannot find by seeking. A prime example of this is 'LOVE'.

So what do we do? Firstly, we need to be realistic. We should always aim for greatness, but we also need to set ourselves obtainable goals along that path. To jump from the bottom of the stairs to the top in one leap is a pretty unrealistic objective. Take one step at a time. That is not a failure. In fact, for many, merely getting out of bed in the morning is a big achievement. And make no mistake, that is a BIG achievement. For them! For Cristiano Ronaldo, scoring a hat trick in a 'Champions League Final' may be a BIG achievement. Our perspective and accomplishment has to be relative. It has to be applicable to US. One step at a time! The alphabet does not go from 'A to Z' in one go; there are 24 letters in between. And they are there for a reason, and that reason is to provide us with the building blocks for STRUCTURE. We need structure. Without those 26 letters, I would not be able to write this message. They are the structure.

How can we fill an empty life? As I said, when we look through a warped perspective, such as the thick glass, we cannot see clearly that which we seek. And when we feel low, and think that we need to fill our lives with something, metaphorically, what we see is an empty jar. We ONLY see that empty jar and become desperate to fill it. We see it as empty; we cannot see past its emptiness, and that bothers us. We will fill it with cookies, we will fill it with coffee, we will fill it with sweets. Just so long as it is filled. What we don't see is the potential of that empty glass. It is already full - of air. But we can't see that. What we also can't see is that to fill it with something else causes the air to move out of the way in order to accommodate whatever we put in it. We should see that empty glass as OUR potential. We can put in it whatever we desire, and in order for the contents to be meaningful, we have to know what it is that we want, and what is actually within our control. We have to establish for ourselves a purpose in life.

Once again, life, as does the alphabet, has structure, and we need that. But as living, adaptable human beings, we should be aware of changing circumstances, and feel which way the tide flows. Just as the air moves naturally to allow us to fill the space, we should adapt to the things that happen to us every day in life, be it problems or successes. We should feel our way through that dark room that we face sometimes and not charge head first into an abyss. I had a plan for the day, but then I had an idea, and I changed my structure in order to allow that idea to flourish. Just as the air does, just as the water does. When the fish swims through the water, the water moves out of the way, but it doesn't go anywhere. It is still there in the tank. So long as we move in a general forward direction, we can do in life, anything that we desire. Our lives are the same as that empty jar. It is not about what we fill it with, but that what we fill it with makes us happy.

We should also bear in mind 'balance' when it comes to life. There are times when we must be active, and there will be times when we need do nothing. Just as we exercise, we must also rest. We must take time to do nothing and not feel guilty about it. That's ok!

Am I happy with what I have done? If I am then that's great. If not, I can always try again. Our life will ALWAYS have purpose.

When your life feels empty, remember, we should never fill something just for the sake of it. We first have to look at ourselves and think. We have to feel what it is that we want, and that can only come from you, it can only come from INSIDE. An empty jar is NOT useless. It has MORE POTENTIAL than a jar full of the wrong things. Go and live your life, TODAY!

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